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Subdivision put on hold for zoning issue

Contrary zoning can easily make or break nearly any real estate venture. Recent news out of Kingman demonstrates just how complicated it can be to work with zoning boards to achieve a successful rezoning effort. A developer seeking to rezone an area to allow for more dense residential building withdrew a petition for rezoning after it became clear that the request would be denied. The primary issue seems to be the susceptibility to flooding in various parts of the parcel in question.

According to records, the parcel that the developer was seeking to have rezoned from agricultural-residential to more traditional residential is “encumbered” by a flood plain, raising the need for serious drainage restructuring throughout the parcel. Although the issue is not dead in the water, it will require several month’s worth of study and engineering to address the drainage issues before the zoning board can reasonably be expected to support the rezoning effort to allow a subdivision to be built there.

Issues like this one are common in just about every kind of real estate venture. Even if you are simply buying a residence for yourself and wish to make significant modifications to the home or build additional structures on the land, you may face some trouble doing so within zoning and codes for the area where you live. Ultimately, nearly all real estate transactions benefit from the scrutiny of an experienced attorney who can help you navigate the difficult terrain of various real estate issues, including zoning conflicts.

If you are considering a real estate transaction of any kind, you can minimize your potential headaches in the matter by enlisting the guidance of an experienced real estate attorney. With proper legal guidance, you can ensure that your rights will remain protected as you pursue your real estate goals.

Source: Daily Miner, “Drainage issue stalls Dolan Springs subdivision,” Hubble Ray Smith, Feb. 07, 2017


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