Assisting Clients In Achieving Success By Providing High-Quality Services

Experienced Government Law Attorneys

Faith Law, PLC, has extensive experience on both sides of governmental law. For more than 25 years, we have represented private clients before government entities and represented government entities in the full spectrum of legal matters.

Our firm is currently general counsel for the Town of Guadalupe and has previously represented the cities of Buckeye, Goodyear, Surprise, Tolleson, Cave Creek, Youngtown and El Mirage on general and special matters. We also provide consulting or general counsel to municipal boards and commissions and fire districts.

Members of the firm are available on short notice to respond to requests for advice and attend meetings anywhere in the United States. We welcome all inquiries.

Call our Goodyear law office at 623-806-8994 to schedule a consultation.

Extensive Experience In Governmental Law

The firm is experienced in all phases of governmental legal services, including property acquisition by purchase and condemnation, contracts and contract negotiations, and employee wrongful discharge cases. Our representation also extends to defense of government entities against various tort claims, including wrongful discharge, inverse condemnation, slip-and-fall injury cases, breach of contract and construction contracts.

The following list, although not exhaustive, illustrates the breadth of our experience in municipal law and governmental law:

  • Councils and Boards: Our firm acts as general counsel to city councils, planning and zoning commissions, boards of adjustment and numerous other boards and commissions established by government entities. We advise on contract negotiations and drafting, drafting of zoning laws, pending and contemplated litigation, and other matters. We are directly responsible for advising city and town managers on legal issues.
  • Land Acquisition and Disposal: Acquisition of land under threats of condemnation and by condemnation for public purposes (including government buildings, airport extensions, rights-of-way, utility plants and utility lines), lease of governmental facilities, and intergovernmental agreements for creation of city/county joint use governmental facilities
  • Prosecution: Currently prosecuting in three magistrate courts
  • Personnel: Discipline and dismissal of vested and at-will employees, personnel hearings, defense of wrongful termination litigation, drafting of completely revised personnel manuals, drafting of employment contracts, and discrimination complaints
  • Intergovernmental Agreements: Negotiation and drafting of agreements between state, county and municipal entities on a variety of subjects
  • Open Meeting Law and Executive Sessions: Extensive knowledge of statutory requirements for public meetings compliance
  • Subdivisions: Review and advice to municipalities on all issues, including amendments, stipulations, and preliminary and final plat approval
  • Insurance: Requests for proposals and responses, submitting claims, and negotiating coverage disputes
  • Slum Clearance and Redevelopment: Pursuant to A.R.S. §36-1471, et. seq., including land acquisition and negotiations of redevelopment projects
  • Water Companies: Acquisition by purchase financed by Special Improvement Districts and by donations of private water companies
  • Contracts: Negotiation and drafting of hundreds of contracts between government entities and the private sector for numerous activities, including purchase of land, goods and services
  • Zoning: Drafting and review of zoning code amendments and complete revisions of zoning codes. We have represented planning and zoning commissions and boards of adjustment on issues before them, including zoning, special use permits, nonconforming uses, variances, overlay zoning districts, planned area developments and specific plan developments.
  • Utilities: Negotiations and contract drafting and review with gas, water, electric, garbage, phone and cable companies
  • Grants: Review and approval of various federal, state and county grants for public works projects
  • Mutual Aid Agreements: For fire and police protection
  • Annexations: Negotiations and drafting of annexation and development agreements, state and federal submittals regarding annexations, including under the federal Voting Rights Act. We handled one of the largest annexations in Arizona (83.5 square miles), known as Sun Valley.
  • Laws: Drafting of ordinances and resolutions for adoption, attorney opinions on interpretation and constitutionality, and effect of Arizona laws and case law
  • Financing: Bonds and special improvement districts, general counsel for government entities retaining and reviewing services provided by outside bonding attorneys
  • Forfeitures: Forfeiture of property through Superior Court litigation of assets seized in drug arrests
  • Golf Courses: Feasibility and site selection of public golf courses
  • Airports: Master leases, subleases, land acquisition, grants, construction contracts, consultant contracts and commercial owner associations
  • Industrial Development Authorities: General counsel to industrial development authorities
  • Waste: Siting, closing, zoning and regulation of landfills and waste disposal industries
  • Landfills: Regulation, closing, inverse condemnation defense, negotiations and contracts for public/private ownership and operation
  • Wastewater Plants: Land acquisition for sewer plant sites and sewer lines for construction of wastewater treatment facilities and sewer lines, bid protests, Environmental Protection Agency violations, drafting of sewer use ordinances, private operator contracts, and acquisition of private sewer plants
  • Water Issues: Establishment of water service areas; lease of water rights; acquisition of private water companies; water quality problems; Department of Water Resources complaints regarding exceeding maximum per capita per day water usage; annexation and development contracts regarding construction of public water systems by private developers; intergovernmental agreement for service of water; and advance-in-aid of construction contracts
  • Roadways: Acquisition by condemnation and purchase, acceptance of donations and abandonment of unnecessary roads. We litigated the constitutionality in Arizona Supreme Court of A.R.S. § 28-1861, which declares certain rights-of-way to be public roads. We also handle paving, grading and maintenance contracts.
  • Auditors: Drafting of requests for proposals of independent auditors for yearly audits of governmental bookkeeping, review of proposals and drafting of contracts for services
  • Sales Tax: Review and recommendation regarding Model City Sales Tax Code promulgated by the Arizona League of Cities and Towns; amendments to code; draft requests for proposals for sales tax auditor and resultant contracts; and draft and record sales tax liens
  • Litigation: IDA bond default, wrongful terminations, condemnation, inverse condemnation, constitutionality of state laws, bankruptcy, foreclosures, contract disputes, defective construction, real property title defects, collection of accounts, forcible detainers, adverse possession and repossessions

Our Governmental Law Experience Is At Your Disposal

Attorneys Paul J. Faith and David E. Ledyard bring decades of combined experience in governmental law matters. Arrange a consultation at 623-806-8994 or via email.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.