Accidents happen every day, but proper safety precautions may prevent some from occurring. If you or a loved one suffer from an injury from a slip and fall accident due to unsafe or hazardous conditions, you may be eligible for compensation.
It is important to properly handle the case to reach the best result. In the case of a slip and fall accident, there are a few do’s and don’ts you should heed.
Immediately after
It is always a good idea to seek medical attention after an accident. Depending on the severity of the incident, you might need to call an ambulance. If the injury is not too severe, you may want to document the incident with the landowner or facility manager before leaving. Do not accept any type of compensation for the incident, and never admit fault. This could result in claimant fault, which may reduce your compensation.
Having evidence to verify your claim is key in any personal injury case. You want to collect any possible proof of your incident occurring, the extent of the injury itself and any inconvenience it causes. Common forms of evidence include:
- Incident report
- Medical bills
- Eyewitness accounts
- Pictures of the scene
- Surveillance footage
In some cases, the property owner may not relinquish evidence willingly. A knowledgeable attorney may be helpful in collecting such information and building a solid case.
If you do seek assistance from an attorney, you want to make sure you choose one you can trust. A proper attorney will have experience, knowledge and strong communication, amongst other qualities. It is important that you trust your attorney and share all pertinent information. Do not hold back or hide information you feel might damage your case. As your advocate, your attorney must know about the possible issue in order to defend you properly.
These are just a few of the main things to know about a slip and fall accident. Take some time to become familiar with the process and determine the best route for you.