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Impairment-related crash kills 1, leaves 1 with critical injuries

Operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs can be hazardous under any situation, as the presence of impairment can impact driving capabilities significantly. Speeding is another type of dangerous behavior that might disrupt one’s ability to maintain control of a vehicle, and if combined with impairment, such negligence could prove a recipe for disaster. Impairment and speeding were listed as contributing factors in a recent car accident in Arizona that killed one person and left another with severe injuries. 

Reports of the crash

Reports indicate that the collision occurred on a recent Wednesday afternoon when the driver of a car suddenly lost control of his vehicle. The car proceeded to crash into a nearby van and a third vehicle soon thereafter. The impact of the crash reportedly forced the van to overturn and come to a rest on its side. The driver of the van reportedly suffered severe injuries in the crash and was transported to a medical facility for treatment. 

Authorities have advised that a passenger in the first car suffered fatal harm and died at the scene. An investigation into the crash indicated that the driver of the first car was traveling at nearly 116 mph just before losing control and causing the crash. Authorities also indicate that this person exhibited multiple signs of impairment and they say he is facing numerous charges following the incident.  

What next?

Drivers who exhibit similar types of negligence may run a greater risk of causing a dangerous or even fatal car accident to occur. Individuals in Arizona who suffer serious injuries or lose a loved one in a crash involving such circumstances may be left with questions about their available legal avenues and the next steps to take. Following the crash, a person could find it helpful to consult with an attorney for advice in evaluating every aspect of the situation and in preparing to seek the restitution entitled via the appropriate outlets. 


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