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3 reasons the police can enter your home

You may find yourself in a situation in which the police want to enter your home. Maybe they want to have a conversation. Maybe they’re looking to search for evidence.

As a homeowner, you do have a certain expectation of privacy, and you do have personal rights on your property. But there are ways that the police can enter your home. Below are three examples.

It is an emergency

First of all, the police may be able to enter the home in an emergency situation. An example of this is if they are in hot pursuit of someone who is suspected of committing a crime. If that person enters your home, the police may follow to make an arrest or protect the public.

You give them your consent

Of course, the police may also just ask for your consent to come inside. It is up to you whether you give them this consent or not. Many homeowners feel obligated to give them access — as if the police officer is giving them an order. But you can decide whether or not you provide consent, and the police cannot enter your home without it – in most situations.

They have a warrant

One example of when they can enter without your consent is if the police get a search warrant first. This means that a judge has approved the warrant and believes that a search is required, whether or not the homeowner permits it.

The way that the police enter your home can be very important if you do find yourself facing arrest, especially when considering the evidence they have gathered and how they have obtained it. If you are facing serious criminal charges of any kind, be sure you know about all of your defense options.


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